Who would want a tune that...
tuning increases gas milage anyways... so whats new or different with this....
I know I have jumped 60-70 whp and get 3-5 mpg better (I got 40.1 mpg on my 1200 drive from Missouri to North Carolina on the highway)
I know I have jumped 60-70 whp and get 3-5 mpg better (I got 40.1 mpg on my 1200 drive from Missouri to North Carolina on the highway)
Me and Josh where talking about this, I might be testing the tune for him. You have to have access to someone with HPT or have it yourself. Then he will ask you what mods you have send you a value file you flash it onto the car, log it, send the log back he makes the changes needed and sends a new tune file. It's a wash, rinse, repeat process. I've sent him a couple of my tune files and he is going to get back to me in a few days.
I can do this 2 ways for guys. If you have hptuners we can customize your tune over the internet, or you can send me your pcm or I will get a core pcm that I can send to you. I have all the benchtop programming harnesses
I am interested. How many mods do you need to make it worth getting a tune? I have heard that GM made tuned the 2.4 conseratively and you can actually get some decent improvements on just tuneing a stock 2.4, is this true?
Ok guys I am all setup for this now. I just need a couple core pcm's If anyone has one let me know. Otherwise you can send your pcm and I will ship it back out the same day.
I am interested. How many mods do you need to make it worth getting a tune? I have heard that GM made tuned the 2.4 conseratively and you can actually get some decent improvements on just tuning a stock 2.4, is this true?