body kit opinions....
thats not too bad lookin. i could throw any body ideas u guys would want at them...u want a different wing, i'll bring it up. i'm considering asking them to make a fully functionaly ram air hood
Not really a huge fan of either one, the first one, the rear bumper is the stock ls bumper with a cf splitter, the front just had the lower grille and part of the fog light holes filled with bondo, painted, and a cf splitter put on. The second one looks like it has those cheap mold on fender flares people are so fond of putting on Japanese cars neither is clean enough for me, but then again I don't own a cobalt anymore...
just cuz u don't own a cobalt, doesn't mean ur opinion won't b taken into consideration. i'm gauging interest and taste. any and all designs presented will be considered and looked at
Like multiple other people have said. If you make affordable SS front and rear lips just like the ones that come on the stock lsj and lnf they would sell like mad to people with base models and NAs. IMO nothing else really appeals to cobalt owners on a wide scale. Every once in a while you see someone with a body kit but people that want body kits are so few and far between I don't think you personally could make money on it if you made one.. even a good looking one.
Simple supply and demand. Cobalt owners right now want the original SS lips that they can put on there base models and NAs, and people who have the true "SS" want different lips to set themselves apart from everyone else. Problem is there is no affordable supply of these types of lips. You could be that supply!! Please?
Simple supply and demand. Cobalt owners right now want the original SS lips that they can put on there base models and NAs, and people who have the true "SS" want different lips to set themselves apart from everyone else. Problem is there is no affordable supply of these types of lips. You could be that supply!! Please?
Like multiple other people have said. If you make affordable SS front and rear lips just like the ones that come on the stock lsj and lnf they would sell like mad to people with base models and NAs. IMO nothing else really appeals to cobalt owners on a wide scale. Every once in a while you see someone with a body kit but people that want body kits are so few and far between I don't think you personally could make money on it if you made one.. even a good looking one.
Simple supply and demand. Cobalt owners right now want the original SS lips that they can put on there base models and NAs, and people who have the true "SS" want different lips to set themselves apart from everyone else. Problem is there is no affordable supply of these types of lips. You could be that supply!! Please?
Simple supply and demand. Cobalt owners right now want the original SS lips that they can put on there base models and NAs, and people who have the true "SS" want different lips to set themselves apart from everyone else. Problem is there is no affordable supply of these types of lips. You could be that supply!! Please?
i will present the lip kit ideas. i am stil gonna work on a body kit lay out with them but could definately look into offering lip kits as well. just need input, wut u like/don't like and wuts a good price for u guys?
I'm ordering the front and rear lips through my buddy at a chevy dealer sometime this week cus he gets a little discount on parts but it's still gonna cost wayy too much. I'd say anything under $200 for a lip would be a good place to start. Of course if you can do it cheaper no one on here will argue haha