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Old 09-24-2007, 09:39 PM
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Originally Posted by HowieSS
Till you work on an assembly line you have no idea what you are talking about.

I also work at FW assembly with your parents. The general consensus about this strike is that it wont last too long. Mabey a week at most. Hope that's true but we also need to take a stand against GM moving all of their operations overseas. That is what this strike is about. Sadly I'm afraid that it all starts and stops at Washington, and the fact that our politicians we voted into office fail to act and make it a level playing field. Our trade laws allow company's to have most of their production overseas with slave wages and import their products into the US. How can a domestic company compete with that?

We had to draw the line somewhere. This just happens to be the point it's drawn. Otherwise GM would **** us where it hurts, and still move their operations anyway. Our best strategy is to try and hold on to the plants that we have, because once their gone, their gone for good!!
yeah most of it is about job security, and protecting american jobs. do you happen to know a Deb Grothaus, or a Jeff Grothaus? or terry janes used to work there, he was a commity man. Deb and jeff are my mom and dad
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Old 09-24-2007, 09:43 PM
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Originally Posted by nexus23
Entering the fray late...

For all of you who are staunch anti-union, I want you to take a good look at where you work. What protections are in place in the event you get injured on the job? What safety measures are there to make sure you don't get injured? Like the idea of pretty much no matter what job you do, you're going to make a minimum wage?

Do you think the government one day decided that workers rights should be protected? Or perhaps did they get a little nudge in that direction from unions? Even now, with all these protections in place, there are still abuses going on.

I'm a member of the IBEW - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. We work with power. Do you know how often when I'm working I see non-union companies abusing their workers, not supplying even the basic *required* protective equipment? Daily. If they complain about it (meaning someone actually took the time to educate them about safety), they get fired. How would you like that? Risk your life working with something that can kill you in less than a heartbeat, and not even afforded the most basic protective measures.

People go, "OMG! Stupid, greedy unions!" I say look closer before opening your mouth. Want a good example? Check out Wal-Mart. How much do their employees make? How many benefits are they afforded? After, start looking at other corporations. What sort of practices do these companies participate in to maximise their profit?

Indeed, in the past, misdeeds were done on the part of some unions. Then again, misdeeds continue to occur in corporate America. Unions now choose their actions wisely. They don't go on strike on a whim. My local has a no strike clause because the impact would be disasterous if during a state of emergency, no one was there to turn the lights back on. Yet, we've had to fight for everything in our contract. Even for little things like a storm agreement, which gives us a little extra during hurricane restoration when we're putting in 16+ hour days, 7 days a week, under the worst conditions. Only took over five years to get the contractors to agree to it.

In the end, it's all about security. It's about having the security of knowing some jack ass having a bad day can't make up some bull ****, and terminate you for said bull ****. It's about knowing if you're injured on the job, you won't lose the shirt off your back. It's about knowing that when your kids get sick, you won't be bankrupted seeing they get the care they need. It's that little peace of mind that comes from being able to pay your bills, put food on the table, keep a roof over your head, and setting a little something aside to weather the storm should one come up. Unions aren't being greedy. They're looking out for the well being of their members. In the process, the well being of non-union workers also get looked out for.


HIT the nail on the head, i work at a union auto dealership, non union shops are using antiquated equipment and get paid poorly, long live the unions!
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Old 09-24-2007, 11:21 PM
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Email from my mom DETAILED INFO

Just now i got a detailed email from my mom on what the spacifics are. And before you all go boohooo they have to take a pay cut.

My parents pay 700 a month for the house they are in, they do no own the property the house is on so they have to pay rent to that which is 400 a month for that. Plus their electric bill is 250 a month. My dads HHR which is 300 a month and my moms Cobalt which is 234 a month thats about 1900 a month in bills just for that alone.

here is the email i got

They want us to take pay cuts take away retires health care and pentions and the UAW wants job security and GM came to the table this morning saying our way or no way and the union said to walk so all GM plants accross the country hit the picket line. BUT AT ABOUT 2O'CLOCK THE WHITEHOUSE YES THE WHITEHOUSE CALLED THE COMPANY AND ASKED THE UNION AND GM TO GET BACK TO THE BARGINING TABLE. SO ITS WAIT AND SEE NOW. Your Dad is schesuled to hit the picket line Tues. 9 am. So far we are out $240. And if they dont settle we lose 240 everyday. So all I can make is the lot rent and consumers. NO HOUSE PAYMENT. But it affects 73,000 people and all there creditors. Thanks so much for caring. Love ya Adam, Mom
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Old 09-25-2007, 12:19 AM
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Originally Posted by 07cobaltss
yeah most of it is about job security, and protecting american jobs. do you happen to know a Deb Grothaus, or a Jeff Grothaus? or terry janes used to work there, he was a commity man. Deb and jeff are my mom and dad
Sorry, don't know your mom. Is your dad a quality rep?
I only know one Jeff and he's a union quality rep or something like that.

Tell your parents I said good luck and we're in this as brothers and sisters till the end.

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Old 09-25-2007, 01:07 AM
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WOOHOO im union, im 24 and i make like 75,000 a yr!!!!! Id say people who dont like unions either A dont really know much about them or B are jealous of not being in one? oh yeah.... guess what? I didnt even finish HS and i still make more money then most people who graduated from my hs!

Good luck to everyone in the union, i hope the best for you and your families!
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Old 09-25-2007, 01:53 AM
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How about the uaw cut its dues so the workers can have the benifits of better health care?
As for the railroad striking if we did this country and the economy would grind to a halt. Without us this country doesn't move thats why its illegal for us to strike.

How much are dues for the uaw? I thought I read someone say it was a couple hundred a month, is this true?

LMMFAO! Now I'm a scab? No I'm in the UTU so kiss my ass. I'm not anti-union, I'm anti-uaw as its gotten out of hand. And next time have the ***** enough to sign the negative rep you give out and name call in. But BTW just so as you know I'm sure the UTU will side with the UAW and the teamsters and refuse to ship GM cars.

Also for that matter what about those not in the union who are being hurt by this? What happens to them? They have nothing to do with what GM and the uaw are fighting over yet they're getting screwed just the same. All the people who work in different bizznesses to supply parts and survices are now basicly out of work cause of the uaw. How is that right or fair? The uaw screams about fairness and turns around and screws the little guy over and over again and yet some of you stand up and say "yup, and damn proud of it!" I hope your proud of yourselves if your strike lasts so long that people start losing thier homes. Is the uaw willing to step in and pay the mortgage of those effected by this strike? What about outher such bills? Well these are the kinds of questions you guys should be asking your local chairs if not your just as guilty as they are for screwing the little guy over.

Last edited by Jackalope; 09-25-2007 at 02:23 AM.
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Old 09-25-2007, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by HowieSS
Sorry, don't know your mom. Is your dad a quality rep?
I only know one Jeff and he's a union quality rep or something like that.

Tell your parents I said good luck and we're in this as brothers and sisters till the end.

+rep for that
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Old 09-25-2007, 08:40 AM
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My experience with union workers is not the greatest. Its been my experience that they are whiny crybabies. You guys who are union and make 75k a year should be happy with that. A lot of us who do comparable work that are non union make 40k a year and guess what? We are more than happy to pay the 14 bucks a week or whatever the companies plan for health insurance is wtf is your problem????? As for job security, if you do your job and do it well you won't have to worry about losing it.

Then you'll say oh well GM might move the work to a different country then all these people will be out of work. Well your right, but guess what guys GM is in business to make money not get bled dry by greedy individuals that want everything their way. If you don't like GM's terms might I suggest finding a new job? After all it is America you are free to do that. Now if I were GM and the UAW was bleeding me dry I would pack up camp too. You guys don't seem to realize that if GM goes under you won't have jobs then either.

For the guy that says that non union workers get screwed out of equipment and safety, your so full of ****... I've been a machinist for years, non union. I've worked with 30 year old machines to 5 million dollar cutting edge lasers. It all comes down to the size of the company you work for. It has nothing to do with whether its union or not. I've been with companies that treated me like **** and ones that have been great to me. Again its America, you don't like it leave find a new job! The people I work for now are all about the employees I have everything I need to do my job. As for safety, I think they actually take there safety SOP's a little to far honestly. Guess what they aren't union.

So as you see, I feel GM has every right to not agree to your demands. So go ahead and negative rep away. Cause its America and you can do that too
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Old 09-25-2007, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by OzzyruleZ
My experience with union workers is not the greatest. Its been my experience that they are whiny crybabies. You guys who are union and make 75k a year should be happy with that. A lot of us who do comparable work that are non union make 40k a year and guess what? We are more than happy to pay the 14 bucks a week or whatever the companies plan for health insurance is wtf is your problem????? As for job security, if you do your job and do it well you won't have to worry about losing it.

Then you'll say oh well GM might move the work to a different country then all these people will be out of work. Well your right, but guess what guys GM is in business to make money not get bled dry by greedy individuals that want everything their way. If you don't like GM's terms might I suggest finding a new job? After all it is America you are free to do that. Now if I were GM and the UAW was bleeding me dry I would pack up camp too. You guys don't seem to realize that if GM goes under you won't have jobs then either.

For the guy that says that non union workers get screwed out of equipment and safety, your so full of ****... I've been a machinist for years, non union. I've worked with 30 year old machines to 5 million dollar cutting edge lasers. It all comes down to the size of the company you work for. It has nothing to do with whether its union or not. I've been with companies that treated me like **** and ones that have been great to me. Again its America, you don't like it leave find a new job! The people I work for now are all about the employees I have everything I need to do my job. As for safety, I think they actually take there safety SOP's a little to far honestly. Guess what they aren't union.

So as you see, I feel GM has every right to not agree to your demands. So go ahead and negative rep away. Cause its America and you can do that too

your a ******* idiot. enough said
Anyone that calls them selfs Americans, and says that there fellow americans should be kicked to the curb, should go to Iraq and get there ass's packed with grenades.
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Old 09-25-2007, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by 07cobaltss
your a ******* idiot. enough said
glad you could join with something useful...

I did not say to kick them to the curb. I said if you don't like it find another job. Plain and simple, but judging by your attitude you'd rather go on strike making stupid demands that will ultimately lead to a company leaving or going under. So you resort to personal attacks why does this not surprise me?
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Old 09-25-2007, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by OzzyruleZ
glad you could join with something useful...
I've posted plenty on this topic.
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Old 09-25-2007, 09:29 AM
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Originally Posted by 07cobaltss
I've posted plenty on this topic.
Good for you! I express my opinion and you call me a ******* idiot. Shows just how much you really can contribute.
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Old 09-25-2007, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by OzzyruleZ
Good for you! I express my opinion and you call me a ******* idiot. Shows just how much you really can contribute.
I've herd enough of the neg feedback from this topic, and I've herd enough ******** say that there fellow Americans should be kicked to the curb.

I'm done with this thread, and it should be locked.
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Old 09-25-2007, 09:44 AM
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Who's saying anyone should be kicked to the curb? I mearly pointed out if the uaw doesn't stop acting like a huge spoiled child the auto manufacturers will ship the jobs out of the US. Thats not wishing bad on anyone its stating a fact.

As for non-union employyees getting screwed I believe I read how the Toyota and Subaru plants in THIS country are non-union and they are 2 of the newest and best plants! Hell the Scooby plant is a wild life preserve as well as a plant! Now if I'm wrong please correct me but that doesn't sound like a **** deal to me.
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Old 09-25-2007, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by 07cobaltss
I've herd enough of the neg feedback from this topic, and I've herd enough ******** say that there fellow Americans should be kicked to the curb.

I'm done with this thread, and it should be locked.
You have some serious reading comprehension problems, I never said "kick fellow Americans to the curb" there chachi. All this bitching about GM isn't doing this and GM isn't doing that. GM is ******* all the little guys. All I'm saying is if its that big of problem to all you union workers why not take your union to a different auto maker??? Us non union workers do it all the time. Its called finding a new job.

I'm able to look at the situation from both sides. On GM's side they are losing tons of money over this BS. They are a company they are out to make money. Thats what they do. If I were an employer and I had an employee running around trying to organize a mutiny he or she would gone. See ya buddy, hope the grass is greener on the other side. I feel GM has been more than fair to these people.

The union workers are out for the same thing very obviously. They want money, or better benefits, or even a guaranteed job for the next 20 years. Now to me having a contract on my job for 20 years is rediculous. Like i said, if you do good work keeping your job won't be a problem but you guys are worried GM will skip country, GM is hurting they need your guy's help but you'll either get what you want or go on strike. How the hell is that helping anything?

Now like any other person on the planet that has some gumption, if I were not happy with my work conditions or benefits or employment terms I would find a new employer but I'd say the UAW doesn't want that, they want GM to bend over even further for them. I'm sorry I just have a problem with that. So if you don't like it tough. You expressed your opinion in this thread and so did I. Sorry we don't agree.
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Old 09-25-2007, 09:51 AM
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must be non union guys in this thread, rediculous.
BTW, they agreed with everything except the part about job security and pentions. OH YEAH, thats selfish alright
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Old 09-25-2007, 10:00 AM
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Originally Posted by stripedHEMI766
must be non union guys in this thread, rediculous.
BTW, they agreed with everything except the part about job security and pentions. OH YEAH, thats selfish alright
Ok if they agreed to all your terms except for 2 whats the problem? So yeah I do think its a bit selfish. Here they agreed to everything you demanded but 2 things and your still not happy? Come on guys seriously....

Now before you start getting pissy with me I do understand pensions are pretty important but surely making 60+K a year you have something called a savings account right? I don't have a pension of any sort I know of so I put money in a savings account every week. If you only put 50 bucks a week in that account for 40 years, you'll have over 100K saved and thats not counting interest. Is GM supposed to hold your hand in every aspect of life?
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Old 09-25-2007, 10:02 AM
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Having a contract that gaurentees the worker his job is about the stupidest thing any company could sign! Once they sign it whats to prevent the workers from becoming total **** ups, drunks, never showing up, hell its bad enough already and a contract like that would be suiside for GM. I live in Baltimore where the old Broening hwy Astro plant once stood and is now gone, torn down and GM will never return to MD and you know why? Fridays and Mondays thats why. Come fridays noone would be on the line cause it was pay day and they all wanted to go out and drink up as much of their pay check as they could. Spend the weekend drunk and fucked up and be too hung over to work on monday.
You can call BS all you like but I live here, I saw how the uaw workers abused the system for years! Had they not fucked off so much they would have had a different car to build when the Astro went away.

They have NO ONE but themselves to blame for it. But don't think GM left them high and dry, ohhhh no they gave them each (if I remember correctly its been a few years) a 5 year severence package! They got 5 years worth of their paychecks at once! Guess what happened next? We had a spike in how many Excalades and other expensive cars sold. Now I here of most of them losing thier homes due to forcloseur. I hate to see anyone on the street but again, they did it to themselves.

Originally Posted by stripedHEMI766
must be non union guys in this thread, rediculous.
BTW, they agreed with everything except the part about job security and pentions. OH YEAH, thats selfish alright
Actualy I belong to the United Transportation Union and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Both WAY older then the UAW. Job security is great to have but for a company to sign that you have a gaurenteed job for any amount of time is stupid on thier part. It opens the door for what I described above, and worse abuses by employees. If your doing a **** job you SHOULD be canned, that simple.

Last edited by Jackalope; 09-25-2007 at 10:05 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 09-25-2007, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by 07cobaltss
I've herd enough of the neg feedback from this topic, and I've herd enough ******** say that there fellow Americans should be kicked to the curb.

I'm done with this thread, and it should be locked.
your a brain-washed close minded douche... you try to pull this "kick your fellow americans to the curb" ****...

dude, its the UNIONS causing this **** b/c the indivuals in the unions want more more more... the skill / pay level of auto-workers is outragious in comparision across the board with other skills jobs..

you are brainwashed obviously growing up in that household... what the argument is about is not helping the workers and making sure they are taken care of... as an american i completely agree.. our people > immigrants and other people... but in todays society you can not demand MORE money if the money isnt there.. and right now thats what the unions only job is to do.. you have to look at $$/skill positions on all levels and auto works get paid WAY to much for what they do.. thats what is killing GM and other american manufacturers because nobody here will work for 15/hr.. auto workers making 35+/hr for what? come on .. thats stupid high.. i know way more educated people doing far greater things to benefit others instead of sitting and bolting in a couple bolts... and then the UAW wants more for doing nothing... you people are screwing yourselfs.. you dont DESERVE that kind of pay.... physical jobs = lower pay... thats how it is.. deal with it... there is a reason you increase your education levels.....

you work for them... GM doesnt work for you... you should be happy you can even "talk" with the big-wigs.... you are spoiled little bitches and its pathetic... i prolly make 1/2 of what alot of UAW guys are making and yet im WAY MORE skilled.. but do you see me crying about more more more.. hell no.. you live with what you have and if you cant afford it.. you dont cry for more money.. you ******* learn to live with it... you auto-babies need to take your damn diapers off

Last edited by Acidangel_5.0; 09-25-2007 at 10:32 AM.
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Old 09-25-2007, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by 07cobaltss
your a ******* idiot. enough said
Anyone that calls them selfs Americans, and says that there fellow americans should be kicked to the curb, should go to Iraq and get there ass's packed with grenades.
I've totally stayed out of this arguement due to the hot tempers on both sides of, but you, sir, have just pissed me off. You cry and complain about your family losing some of the benefits and job security, blah blah blah, then make a comment like this? There are good men and women DYING every day in IRAQ, fighting for this country and your Unions right to strike and fight for what they call fair and equal treament. You use service in Iraq like an insult, go F*** yourself. If you're truly so concerned about this country and the people who live here, go enlist, pick up a rifle, and fight for something you believe so strongly in. If you're not willing to die for what you believe in, keep your mouth shut and be happy with the fact that you're ALLOWED to join a union and get paid as well as you do for a job with virtually no danger involved (And yes, you have the UAW and Unions to thank for it due to their work towards safer work environments, pat yourselves on the back, now move on.) I'm active duty military, been enlisted for almost 8 years. I'm a married E-6, with a son. And I BARELY CLEAR $3000 A MONTH! Every day of my life, I live with the reality that I could get called to report overseas and fight in a war and possibly die, leaving my family without me, and you don't hear me crying over my compensation. I'm just glad that I have a job that I love and can provide for my family. You're so worried about job security and losing it overseas? Diversify yourself. Learn something else. Have a fall back plan in case you lose your job. Be smart, don't put all your hope in one company.

MODS! PLEASE! LOCK THIS DAMNED THREAD!!!! I've seen locked threads that haven't been NEARLY THIS BAD!
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Old 09-25-2007, 10:53 AM
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thanks for who ever neg repped me for giving my opinion on the benifits of the union, i hope you get laid off and have to file for bankrupcy
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Old 09-25-2007, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Onyxd04Redline
If you have any GM stock i suggest you sell it now.
did that 2weeks ago..

Originally Posted by stripedHEMI766
thanks for who ever neg repped me for giving my opinion on the benifits of the union, i hope you get laid off and have to file for bankrupcy
i pos rep'd you to spite the neg repper..

Last edited by nramlow2006; 09-25-2007 at 10:57 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 09-25-2007, 10:58 AM
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If I was GM, I would seriously have fired all of them the moment they went on strike. Then I would only hire non-union labor with a "If you join a Union, you are fired with no pay or benifits" clause in every new workers contract. And I damn sure would black ball every since Union worker who went on strike.

GM is a biz. They exist to make money. The are loosing money, hence they have to cut cost. The UAW is one of the largest contributers to the red for them. Guess where their going to try to cut.

And I don't want to hear any more **** about "sending people to Iraq and stuffing their ass with hand grenades". In case you didn't realise, there are a lot of people in Iraq on this board.
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Old 09-25-2007, 10:59 AM
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nate, did you apply to be a mod
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Old 09-25-2007, 11:00 AM
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Originally Posted by InfinityzeN
If I was GM, I would seriously have fired all of them the moment they went on strike. Then I would only hire non-union labor with a "If you join a Union, you are fired with no pay or benifits" clause in every new workers contract. And I damn sure would black ball every since Union worker who went on strike.

GM is a biz. They exist to make money. The are loosing money, hence they have to cut cost. The UAW is one of the largest contributers to the red for them. Guess where their going to try to cut.

And I don't want to hear any more **** about "sending people to Iraq and stuffing their ass with hand grenades". In case you didn't realise, there are a lot of people in Iraq on this board.
F-in right doggie! Thank you!
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