The Next SoCal Meet!!!
holy **** that was a fun day lol. got to wok at 1pm and just left like 45 mins ago. i love OT . but to catch up. I would def be down to do a pre-meet. That stuff sounds sick. Plus I will be anxious to let my new exhaust loose on the fly-bys
#144 we do not have to be there at friggin 7 am. but hey i only work fri-mon now so if you guys have any week days off that would be awesome. If not I get off at 3 so we could still meet up sometime after. But any day between now and the meet then
Hell yea man we need to get some SoCal Balts videos goin!!!
For sure...and I wont forget my damn camera this time. So how does meeting up the weekend before or maybe the day before sound? If it is a long drive for anyone that wants to go we could just split a room and party it up till the meet
Sounds good to me man, SoCal Balt Parties FTW!!!
the weekend before sounds good. where should we meet up palmdale side or la canada flintridge side? or griffth park to check that out? Has any one actually checked the park out yet to see a meet and gtreet spot yet?